Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Unfinished Business

messy kitchen

Have you ever walked out of your kitchen and left cupboards hanging open? Did it bother you enough to go back and close them? If you spilled something, would you clean it up or would you allow it to just stay there? Here’s a really good one, after you go to the bathroom do you flush or just walk away and leave it in there?

I’m guessing that the vast majorities of us are answering that we would close doors, flush toilets and clean up spills, right?

So why do we not do the same thing in life, with people and experiences that no longer serve us? I have been examining my own life and habits for the past several days, finding so many of those proverbial doors and spills still left unattended and unfinished and wondering why. The cold hard reality is that until I do close doors and clean up past “spills” I cannot adequately move on with my life and new experiences because I still have all this other stuff lingering.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no major regrets, I feel like everything has had its place in my life and every person I have encountered in one way or another has helped me grow, but sometimes I think I cause myself extra pain by keeping doors open that I just need to close, lock and walk away from. The lines between seasonal people and forever people are so easily blurred sometimes and we work to fit these people into forever spots when they really were only meant to be there for a moment. Today my goal is to close doors that need closing, lock them and then peacefully walk away. It’s time. Do you have doors that need closing? What’s stopping you?

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