Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Unfinished Business

messy kitchen

Have you ever walked out of your kitchen and left cupboards hanging open? Did it bother you enough to go back and close them? If you spilled something, would you clean it up or would you allow it to just stay there? Here’s a really good one, after you go to the bathroom do you flush or just walk away and leave it in there?

I’m guessing that the vast majorities of us are answering that we would close doors, flush toilets and clean up spills, right?

So why do we not do the same thing in life, with people and experiences that no longer serve us? I have been examining my own life and habits for the past several days, finding so many of those proverbial doors and spills still left unattended and unfinished and wondering why. The cold hard reality is that until I do close doors and clean up past “spills” I cannot adequately move on with my life and new experiences because I still have all this other stuff lingering.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no major regrets, I feel like everything has had its place in my life and every person I have encountered in one way or another has helped me grow, but sometimes I think I cause myself extra pain by keeping doors open that I just need to close, lock and walk away from. The lines between seasonal people and forever people are so easily blurred sometimes and we work to fit these people into forever spots when they really were only meant to be there for a moment. Today my goal is to close doors that need closing, lock them and then peacefully walk away. It’s time. Do you have doors that need closing? What’s stopping you?

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Foundation

 man holding woman in fog


As though it were a dream I see you through a fog’

That man that you were;

through the eyes of the woman

That I was.

Early days of trial and error, miscommunication

And hurt feelings; finding ourselves

While were finding each other.

My hard headed equivalent; whose passion

Was just as loud as my own

When he felt he was right; and his ego

Just as easily bruised as the tender one in me

When he was wrong.

The Man that let me find my voice’

Even when it meant hurting him to do it;

The Man that was willing to risk the wrath of my anger

If it meant revealing needed truths that would make me stronger

And wiser; courageous even.

Through experiences and talks, time spent

And conversations had; we have been lovers,

We have been friends, and we have been at war;

One at a time and all of them together.

No one has been more patient with me;

Or tested mine so greatly;

No one ever devoted so much time and energy into knowing Me;

Not up until him, and not since I met him.

Through the peaks and the valleys I have been able to call you

My friend; even when we were silent friends.

You are a vessel through which God speaks when I need it the most

And you envelope me in armor

When my spirit is frail.

You stand where most fall; you hold on

Where most let go.

We have walked miles of road to collect

The experiences that have built the foundation

Of this enduring friendship and

Brought us safely to where we now stand.

Tried and true you have remained;

Strong and steady; a solid pillar in

MY foundation.

Quench Me

thirsty lady quenches thirst in mud pond


How is it that your soul seems to move in time with mine;

And you hear me when I don’t speak?

How is it that somewhere across space and time

All I have to do is think of you,

And near me is where you seek?

How is it that I can feel you so close to me, your

Warm breath in my ear as

I taste your whisper deep inside?

Eyes closed and mind wide open

You enter into my sphere and

Seduce my senses.

Caught up in your rapture I am

Breathless and defenseless;

On the edge of where I have been

And where I long to be;

Longing for a push, but

Trapped in safe reprieve

A Letter


I felt you just then

The way your heart ached

And cried inside

I felt the way you hurt

And that you wanted to hide

Let me love that away

Let me heal your pain

Just trust in me

Stand with me in the rain

Lean on me when you’re weak

Reach for me when you stumble

Embrace me when you’re happy

Share with me your joys

Surrender to me your sorrows

Step off the ledge and trust in your wings

Close your eyes

don’t think twice

Do you see how you’re flying?
Not yet?

It’s ok just keep trying.

Feel your heart racing?

It’s closer than you think

Just around the corner, are you listening?

Step off the ledge and trust in your wings

……..and then soar

“A letter from God”

After the Toast!


I've been thinking a lot about marriage these days, whether it’s because the hopeless romantic in me keeps trying to rear her annoying head, or because I am surrounded by married people, I don't know.

When I got married 800 years ago, I don’t remember ever thinking that if I married that man, it would change him into someone better. On the contrary, I was actually happy with the person that he was and that is who I wanted to marry and spend my life with.  But I've watched something happen to people when they say "I Do", it's like a Jekyll and Hyde movie right in front of your eyes sometimes, other times, it's in slow motion, just happening over time until one day you wake up and look at the person and think to yourself, "when did this happen and can I get a refund?"

We go into marriage with some silly expectations, don't we? I mean, if you're dating someone who has issues with commitment and faithfulness right from the start, do you really think that will change with a wedding ring? Do you know how easily they come off and can be slipped into a pocket? I've watched men do it!
A long time boyfriend, and habitual liar and cheater, once told me that if I would marry him, all the nonsense would stop and he would be faithful because the sanctity of marriage meant something big to him. Excuse me? So, you mean to tell me that you will cheat on me now, because we are only verbally committed to one another, but if I legally join my life with yours, you will just change all of a sudden & respect me enough to be faithful? Wow, how thoughtful! And what a crock of BS!
I don't believe that people change like that just because a piece of paper suddenly says your lives are tied together by a legal contract. If you can't honor someone's heart and feelings way before that, then you sure as hell are not marriage material in my book!
So, we get married hoping and praying that the person will change whatever behaviors annoy us, make us mistrust them, and just generally create doubts in our minds; wrong answer.

Then you have the other group that dates, thinks they know one another, get married, and WHAM! Suddenly you're married to this person you have never met before! Is it in the champagne? Something in the catered food, perhaps? What makes a person think that its okay to be kind, compassionate Lisa today and then say I DO and turn into evil, obnoxious Lisa tomorrow? I've been there; trust me, that is NO fun!
Why do we do these things to each other?  Isn't it just more work to be someone fake, than to just be YOU?
In the years after my marriage went up in flames, as I was meeting people and dating a bit, I made up my mind that I wasn't going to be phony. I wasn't going to dress in clothes that I normally would not wear, or slop on make-up that I would generally not wear, or be anyone other than the woman I knew myself to be, and if he liked me and we hit it off, great! If not, well, hey nice to meet ya, don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out!  I just refuse to present myself in an untrue way because I don't want to be loved for who you want me to be, or think you can mold me into, I want to be loved for who I AM.

I guess the point of this rant of mine is that if you meet someone and the warning signs are all there, the red flags are slapping you in the face like your in the middle of a windstorm and the people who are closest to you and love you are telling you over and over what they clearly see happening right in front of might wanna ask yourself a few things before you take that hike down the aisle. The only people we have any right to change is ourselves, the rest is out of your hands, wedding ring or not.
If he/ she doesn’t love you faithfully and honestly now, a ring and a piece of paper isn't going to change that, and sometimes no matter how much fun we have with someone, no matter how mind-blowing the sex might be, if the warning signs are there and the seeds of doubt have been imbedded in your mind about that person, perhaps it's time to step back and re-evaluate things. We all have this inner voice of intuition; we just choose not to pay attention to it all too often. Learn to listen to your voice, your intuition, and when it's all telling you to BEWARE, your best advised to do just that!


Saturday, December 8, 2012



The sound of your voice didn’t move me like I thought it would;
It was crystal clear to me that something was lost never to be found between us.
It was actually quite a relief to me to know that it didn’t hurt anymore, and that I could feel indifferent. It’s not that I wish you ill, or any such thing, it’s really just more that I don’t feel like you handled things in a way that I can respect, so it changed who I see when I see you. I think you’re really very careless with other people and their hearts; because no matter how strong a woman is or how grounded she is, being misled by contradictory actions vs. words leaves a bad taste and strips away your man card in my eyes. Women are innately emotional creatures and I find it truly sad that you feel justified in toying with their compassion and their trust and faith, because it is men like you who can’t commit to one good thing because you’re full of yourself and greedy, and taint the hearts of good honest women with your manipulating bullshit, thus making it harder for a good man who comes after you.
The human ego is a real demon.
And the heart of a woman once wounded, heals, but is changed forever.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Dreamers Vision


John Lennon told us to imagine a world
With no greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man;
Progress does not just happen, it is made.
Each day as I rise with air in my lungs, I
Am reminded that I am blessed and that today
I am chosen to once more go out into the world
And be the changes I want to see.
My kind heart and forgiving soul are
No guarantees that the world will gift
Me back with the same;
But I do it anyway.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012



Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement.

They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again.

Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you.

You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”
~Bob Marley

Bob Marley

Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something won
derful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”
~Bob Marley

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Fashion forward-Trendy plus size clothing you can wear like the stars

[caption id="attachment_2557" align="alignleft" width="150"]Trendy plus size clothes for women Kristy Allen[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2564" align="alignleft" width="150"]Jennifer hudson trendy plus size clothes Jennifer Hudson[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2562" align="alignleft" width="150"]Trendy plus size clothes for women Oprah Winfrey[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2559" align="alignleft" width="150"]Jessica Simpson trendy plus sized clothes Jessica Simpson[/caption]

Trendy plus size clothing and styles that you can wear, just like the stars. We curvy ladies know how frustrating it can be to shop when the clothing is not our size. My mother Constantine and some of my best friends are curvy and sexy. But never let that stop you. Always love your self first and you will look great and confident in all of your attire. Smile and enjoy different styles you deserve it.

What ever you decide, here are some tips on clothing, whats fashionable or presentable on our bodies. Starting with colour we all know that black is slimming this is true. If you want to start off simple find a black dress or blouse paired with nice fitted jeans. We all look great in this look that Jessica Simpson is so proud to display. This look helps you look sleek and shows your cool side. Use colored belt or scarf to wrap they are very versatile.

Create a look like Fantasia by wearing a sweater dress that will look fabulous on you( don't for get a firm fitted girdle) . Please ladies grab the necklace, earrings and shades. Always accessorize this always turns heads. All eyes on you, If you don't know now you know. The jewelry always  makes you look expensive and classy. A simple watch, earrings and bag is a extra plus that adds the Ump to looking your best. Don't over do the jewels tho, to much can be kind of tacky.

The thing I love most is animal prints like the giraffe print Jennifer Hudson is wearing. Bring out your wild side with a romantic look. Very elegant with that sizzle of added flare.  Don't over do this look though. A bag or a purse always adds a little flare to any outfit. It is the perfect touch to accompany any everyday look. Watch out world, try this look and you are the star.

A blazer or trench coat always completes any look. The simple style and over all cover of the coat gives you a sophisticated look and your ready to go. Remember to keep your hair in a neat style like Oprah's, this will help with the first impressions of your new look. People will compliment you, it works every time guaranteed. Try these tips and your popularity will sky rocket among your friends. Keep in mind, your the best!

I love simple stylish dresses that bring out the feminine side of any woman regardless of size, shape, or color. We all can look flattering in a simple easy to wear summer dress or a long sleeve sheath dress. Dresses are something we all have hanging around in closet. Adding belts, colorful wraps, or long necklaces add zing and look beautiful as well. Dresses allows us to feel sexy and pretty when we need a little pick me up. A definite self esteem booster. I love all lengths of dresses. They're comfortable, airy, and the best thing is the beautiful sunshine we all can enjoy on wonderful summer days. A beautiful bright day is always a pick me up to look and feel your best.

One more thing you cant leave the house without heels. Choose a shoe that matches your outfit. High heel or flats that are comfortable for whatever occasion. Work, shopping, or a night on the town. Shoes are very important to complete your outfit. They upgrade your over all appearance. Heels add extra length to legs as well as making you look taller at the same time. Flats are easier if in a rush or standing for long periods so be mindful of you shopping trips and work days. Comfortable shoes for sports or work are always less painful and help with standing for hours at a time. Still strive to look your best no matter what your adventure for the day.

If your just going out to run errands you should still choose a outfit that is nice and presentable. Like I always say you never know who your going go see while your out. I don't ever want to be caught dead looking slochy if I see past friends or future lover in any public places.The best thing to do is make sure to take a once over look in the mirror before leaving each day. You will be sure your hair clothes and entire look is up to par for your day ahead, you never know.


Now you're ready to face the world with your new found confidence your bomb outfit and an exciting new look. YOU are the star.

[caption id="attachment_2560" align="alignleft" width="150"]Trendy Plus Size Clothes for Women Fantasia[/caption]


Friday, November 30, 2012

Grief & Gratitude

2 women, Iraqi and American embrace
Each day as I witness my best friend grieve the loss of her five year old daughter, I am reminded to be thankful for my own two beautiful, healthy children. I am reminded to be aware of the blessings I have been given as a mother. My mom lost her little brother a few months back and I still see her struggling from day to day to force herself to get up, to breathe, to care about anything else. She lost a part of herself when he left, and how do you recover from the loss of your child?

I see the facebook posts daily from my friend, the pain and the suffering that her mind and heart are going through every single minute of the day, and I feel completely helpless because no matter how much I love and how much support I offer her, it will never be enough to stop the ache in her chest or fill the emptiness where Emmy was in her life. It hurts me to see her hurt so much and not be able to take it away from her.

Yes, today I am reminded that I have so many reasons to feel gratitude and peace, because at the end of the day, I am surrounded by people who love me and care for and about me. Life is definitely a journey, sometimes a crazy bumpy ride, and sometimes a stroll through the park on a sunshiny day, but it is ours to embrace regardless.

We often feel like we have nothing to give, but as I am typing this, I realize that even tho I can't work miracles and take away her pain, or my moms either, I can be Me and just continue to pay forward the love and kindness that is bestowed upon me each day; and ultimately that's the best any of us can strive for and do.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Stories We Wear

Share-a-storykids in photo reading a book
It was a typical Friday night in my life, sitting home alone, doing homework, longing for a social life again, but understanding the bigger picture. I'm where I need to be right now, and I'm working towards something; something that sitting on a bar stool won't offer me.

The alarm tone sounded off on my phone reminding me that I had a "date" with a speaker about Sexual Abuse Survivors, and how to TAKE BACK OUR LIVES. I had forgotten all about it, and for a moment I thought about skipping it because I only had 20 minutes to get ready and get out the door. I looked down at my sweats and thought, "hey, I'm clean, my clothes are clean and they aren't ratty and ripped up, my hair is okay..." to hell with it, I'm not going to a fashion show, I'm going to listen and learn, my clothes don't make or break the experience unless I let them, right? So I made myself a quick bite to eat, grabbed a bottle of water, and out the door I went. It's a beautiful thing the way GOD leads us to where we need to be at just the right moments in time, because I know in my heart that I got led there with a definite, undeniable purpose.
My work as a Sexual Assault Advocate has led me to some incredible people along the way, some life altering experiences and some deep heartache, and let me tell you that last night was a combination of all that.

You know sometimes we look at people on the street and we see this gruff, hard assed exterior of a person and almost immediately make a judgment about the type of person that they are, without truly knowing anything real about them. Sometimes, the people who seem the most unapproachable, are the ones who need to be approached the most, because they are hurting somewhere so deep inside and all they need is a gentle hand to reach out with some compassion and kindness. It's dangerous to judge to quickly, because often the stories we wear on the outside are masking the real story inside like a protective coat from the harsh winter winds. We all need to really start believing that we don't end up anywhere, or encounter certain people by accident. NOTHING IS AN ACCIDENT in this life! Each person and experience is intricately interwoven into the fabric of our lives, of our Beings, of our very souls; God doesn't have accidents, so even when we don't know what the hell is going on, or WHY, you can rest assured that He does.

I am a sexual abuse Survivor. I realized last night that I have this platform to stand on, these words inside of me, and even though my internal healing is solid and strong, I have been afraid to really come out and write about it to the world, and it made me wonder how healed I really am if I am still afraid to speak it out loud to people other than those close to me. In October of 2009 when I began my journey as a rape advocate, I remember sitting in training one day listening to other women open up about their wounds of sexual abuse and assault, and all of these thoughts were screaming in my head that I wanted to say to them but I was so afraid to open my mouth, (public speaking has never been a desire of mine...) but something willed my mouth open and I heard myself encouraging these women, talking about empowerment and self healing and self love and respect, and then suddenly I was sharing something so private and hurtful about my own past with a room full of strangers! Just as quickly as I realized what was happening and felt so completely exposed, I looked around that table and saw compassion and people nodding their heads in understanding, and knew that it was okay; even more than okay, it was purposeful and healing in and of itself!
As I have begun to open up more to people in my life, old friends have come to me and shared their own stories, and we talk about healing and growth. I've had people come to me after years of no contact, and apologize for the wrongs they committed against me as a young girl, and take ownership of the shame that I have carried, or the guilt for feeling like I somehow deserved it. There is no greater healing power in the world for a survivor, than to have a perpetrator honestly and genuinely own what they did, releasing us of that burden once and for all. Real healing happens in those moments, I am here to tell you.
None of my victimizers were ever brought before a judge or held accountable by any law, and I cannot tell you why because only my parents could truthfully answer that question; but I know that before God Almighty those people have and will pay for the sins they committed against a defenseless child, and I take great comfort in that.
Something else I have learned about sexual abuse over time is that no ones is worse or easier than anyone else's; there are no comparisons to be made, no trophy for enduring more than another, and it sure doesn't lesson the pains we feel just because maybe it only happened once. The only difference may be in whether or not it comes from someone we know and should be able to trust, or a stranger that we have no expectations of kindness from anyway. As a child when you look at your father, or your uncles see a place of safety and security, or so we should; when that is stripped away and replaced with fear and mistrust, the paths that follow become twisted and chaotic.
At a very young age, around 3 to the best of my recollection, I became the object of desire for men around me, and it's here I suppose that I will begin my story to you now. I'll admit that I'm feeling a little scared and a whole lot nervous because there are people out there who can read these words that have never had a clue about this part of the story I wear, but I imagine great things have never been accomplished in dark closets hidden away from the light either. I was led through those experiences because my Higher Power knew that one day I would be given the strength to share it with the world, and would hopefully be able to reach someone else in pain and shed some light. So put on your seat belt, the ride gets a little bumpy.

I have memories of sitting in a highchair at my babysitters’ house, an older woman with a teenage son, minding my own business and being a 3 year old. I'm not sure what the hell ever provoked a 16 year old boy to find anything sexual about me, or to be so inclined to want to explore my tiny body in such perverse and twisted ways, but he did; and it was there in that house that I first learned that people were not always going to be nice to me, or be trustworthy. There was a sun-porch at this house where an upright freezer stood in a corner, leaving a space about 2 feet wide between the wall and the appliance and I was a very tiny girl so it was a perfect place to run to and hide, or so I believed; he was soon to make that a prison where he could trap me and I couldn't run away while he touched me and said disgusting things to me. The words, "you better be a good girl and not tell anyone or you will get it worse the next time" were as powerful as a punch to the face, and fear became my constant companion. I think it is in those moments, in those words, "be a good girl," "don't you disappoint me," or any other myriad of sick manipulations that an abuser uses against us, that we become people pleasers, because every child wants to make people happy, we don't want to cause trouble, or be the source of despair for people in our lives, so we buy into the bullshit that our moldable minds are being fed, and we do as we are told, at the expense of our Self.
Over the years my perpetrators all came in the form of "friends" of the family, people my parents drank with, neighbors who seemed so genuinely thoughtful that they were able to convince my own parents that they were too good to really ever be able to hurt me, (at least that's what my father told me then), family members who were able to get away with it, because the ugliness of it all was too much for my mother to accept, so instead she called me a liar and abused me further in emotional ways. * I need to pause here for a moment, because there are family members who will come across this now and it may open up old wounds and cause pain; please understand that it is not my intent to hurt anyone, but instead to use my story to empower others. I hope you will understand that and know in your heart that you and I have already crossed these bridges and made peace with one another, but if I can spare just one person a moment of suffering by exposing my own, then I feel an obligation to do it.*
Sometimes when we, as victims, have been pushed as far as we feel we can go and are ready to just give up, feeling like there will never be an end to the physical, emotional and spiritual attacks, a miracle happens. My miracle at 16 years old, after 13 years of sexual abuse on every level it could be encountered, was a man that I called my boyfriend, someone who had known me from 8 years old, and who felt that his job in my life was to protect me. It was him whom I finally opened up to and found safety in. He BELIEVED me. From that moment on, I was never sexually violated again. That man became my husband fresh out of high school, and at that place in my young life, gave me what I had needed for so long, a safe place to be. Looking back, I don't think I was ever "in love" with him, because for one, I don't think I even knew what real love looked like, but I knew that I had never felt safe until then either and that looked close enough to love for me. Out of that bond, came two of the most amazing human beings to ever bless my life; my son and then my daughter; and it was then that my life really changed. Any woman who has ever been sexually abused and becomes a mother knows what I'm talking about, especially when one of those children is a baby girl. Something fierce and protective was born inside of me, with the birth of my children; and I vowed that no one would hurt them like I had been hurt. I became hyper-vigilant over these precious souls that God had entrusted to my care, and to this day, I would rather slice your throat and watch you bleed to death than allow you to harm my babies and get away with it. I know now that their father was a seasonal character in my life, meant to offer me a safe haven for a time, and for a time, he did and I am thankful for that much.
But one day something happened that would begin to change the shape of all that I knew.

After years of therapy, meetings for Adult Children of Alcoholics, and well meaning people who had come along and left an imprint in my world, I thought I was healed. I had faced my parents with all of the horrific details of my abuse along the way, forcing them to take the burden from my shoulders and carry it on their own. Yes, in my mind, I was already well and would never have to deal with any of those icky feelings again.
I was about to find out how un-healed I really was.

My mind is fuzzy now as I try to recall which came first, the "encounter" or the blood, and I suppose it really doesn't matter because the point remains the same regardless...I believe it was the blood though, so there is where I will paint the picture from.
I woke up one morning of my seemingly happy life to discover blood on my sheets, which sent me into a terrifying episode of crying and hysteria, which as you can imagine I had no explanation for(the blood I understood, mother nature had made herself known, it was the rest of it I couldn't explain away), for myself let alone my confused husband, and it led to frustrated anger on his part which was of no help to my already chaotic and scared heart and mind. The blood took me back to being 14 years old, and being held down on my bedroom floor while a "friend" of the family raped me. My mind was flooded with the memory, swirling, sick, afraid, and the sight of the blood that he had caused to flow from my tender young vagina; it was all there in bold color and graphic detail and it was then that I knew something was still very wrong inside of me. My spirit was still very wounded, and the child in me who had long since found a corner to sit in, was screaming to be heard. My husband pretended to understand, but how could he? How can someone really understand what kind of deep seated despair that is, unless they have experienced it, unless they too have been robbed of their innocence and pure heart? They can't, and I will not believe anything different. He proved to me later that night that he truly had no idea what I was dealing with when he annoyingly pressured me for sex, and then got angry when I had to stop in the middle of it to throw up. I was broken and wounded and not a very good least that's what the devil told me. My husband was angry and hurt and rejected, and there was nothing I could say to make him feel better because I didn't even know how to make myself feel better.
Some weeks later, as my luck would have it, the Good Lord decided to push me further because I still wasn't getting it, so as I sat in a small local cafe enjoying lunch with my husband and children, that very same monster came walking in to grab a bite, and sent me into a tailspin emotionally. I was forced to leave the table and retreat to the bathroom to vomit, and then made a swift exit from that place. I knew right then that I still had a very long way to go, and that I owed it to myself and my children and husband to get working on it.

I have been blessed enough to have been sent many angels in my life, but there are a few who will always stand out above any others, and one of them was a therapist named Bonnie. For the first time in my life, someone saw through the laughter that I used to mask my pain. For the first time in my life, I really felt like she got it, and that she could honestly help me...I just don't think I realized how much she would help me. She kindly, lovingly and gently, stripped away all of the defense mechanisms I had built around me, and I never looked back for those hours in her office. In some of those first appointments, she would repeat to me over and over that I was safe there, and that I could say anything I needed or wanted to. I think she knew she was speaking more to the little girl in me, than to the adult me sitting there. I got to know that child inside of me in her room, I learned how to nurture her and how to heal her wounds. That child had been robbed of so much, and carried so much pain; it was a long, excruciating emotional process at times, but somehow I brought that tiny girl in me to the light and showed her that I would never allow her to be so hurt again. I learned about trusting myself.

Eventually, my marriage dissolved, I guess I'll just say that we outgrew each other, and sometimes that just happens, because not everyone is meant to stay forever. He served his purpose in my life and I hope that I gave him something positive also, in addition to the beautiful children we share. Fast forward to one year ago, I felt like it was time to reach out and help others who are on this journey and became part of the Sexual Assault Advocacy Program. As I have stood by victims of rape, old and young, I've learned even more, I've healed even more, and I think I have given something positive to people I have encountered along the way. I have, and am, raising a strong beautiful young woman, who has my respect and admiration because she is so much stronger and wiser than I was at 17, and honestly? I have to be thankful to some degree for all that I endured, because without it, I don't know that I would have been the kind of mother to her that I have been able to be.
The beauty of life is that when you open your heart to the world around you and give freely from it, incredible things happen and you find yourself learning just as much from others as you are teaching them; and wow, what a powerful freeing gift that can be!
I'm still touched by the profound resilience of Survivors when I encounter them and hear their stories, and often I am moved emotionally, because whether we all embrace it or not, we are bound together by a common thread. We were stolen from, but we learn that we don't have to let them win. We have the power, and the Right to take back what’s ours.
Last night as I listened to a woman talk about her 11 year old daughter's abuse, she said something that struck many of us very poignantly; after the perp was brought to trial and exposed, and the child had testified against him face to face; the judge told the mother one day in the girls absence, "tell your daughter, SHE WON"
That man got 32 years in prison for his crimes against that child, but even more than that, she won because she was brave, and she stood up and spoke it out loud and little does she realize yet at the tender age of 13 now, she paved the way for someone else to be brave and face her offender, by showing her own courage as she has.

It is my RIGHT to take back what was taken from me when I could not fight or defend myself; It is my duty as a woman, a mother, a SURVIVOR to speak out about it and not feel shamed, because I never know who may be listening (or reading) and will be able to draw strength of their own from someone who has been where they are. Yes, the ties that bring us together have been painful and so unnecessary and have felt like they were burning us alive at times, but from those ashes we will rise strong and healthy and use our own journeys for the purpose of healing and helping others as we go.
So here is to You, my fellow Survivors, for being brave enough to come into the light, and for being willing to share the stories you wear!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Art of BEING....


beautiful day inspiring

A million thoughts are racing through my mind right now and I don't know if I will be able to type fast enough to get it all out and have it make sense...
I crawled into bed last night with this amazing feeling of contentment; my bed felt softer, my mind felt quiet, and my heart felt full. I live a life full of LOVE, and although I forget that now and then and feel sorry for myself for all of the things I don't have yet; I have to remind myself that I am BLESSED. I AM.

Three years ago when I moved into the place I live now, I remember walking out on the deck the day I came to look at the house and as I stood there and took in the serenity of the trees and the small creek in the back yard, something in my soul told me this was the place I needed to be; this was the next stepping stone in my life and I had this inner voice whispering that great things would happen while I was here. That deck has provided a haven for me, a place to escape to when life just seemed too much; it has provided a place for friends to gather and share conversation and laughter; or a place to stand at night and just behold the beauty of the night sky with the stars twinkling above me or the moon glowing like a guiding light. Yes, this place has truly given me so many reasons to feel good and to be content. I stepped out this morning in silence with my coffee and my trusted companion, Fuzzy (my feline pal) at my feet. I stood there taking in how green the grass is, & how the water in the creek sparkled in the morning sun, and I listened to the birds chirping their morning greetings to one another while Fuzz sat on the railing rubbing her head against me, letting me know that she loves me like only she, a cat, can. And I silently rejoiced inside as I said a thank you to the Universe and to GOD for all that I have.

Life is changing again, as is the way; the constant ebb and flow that this journey requires us to endure; and part of that change is going to bring about a move for me to a smaller place because the kids are going in their own directions more and more and I have to make the adjustments in my own life now also; but as I stood outside this morning on my peaceful deck, I realized how scared I truly am. I don’t want to leave the security of this place, it nurtures that solitary country girl in me, while providing me with the ease of city living that feeds another part of my spirit; I have the best of both worlds here and I don't want to let it go, but I have to trust that my God and Goddess have something even better waiting for me around the bend when the times comes for me to step forward into something else.

At the end of December this year, I will have completed 3 years of college and will be a senior in college! Wow, funny how I have struggled to see this in my minds eye, and now its closer than close. God willing, I will be a UWGB graduate next year, the first since my dad to graduate college.

And very soon, I will exit the 30's and enter my 40's, and even though I am working hard to find gratitude in living this long and knowing the life experience that I have been given etc, there is that part of me that also understands that it means yet another transition in my life from one phase to another, and wondering what the coming year(s) will bring and what I will accomplish from here. I feel my spirit becoming restless because I can see the places I want to go explore, the life I want to grab onto, and I feel like there is a clock ticking somewhere, telling me to hurry.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be the person I am right now, I would have doubted, but I have grown and changed, matured and become less combative and hell bent on proving myself to everyone around me; I worry so much less about petty things these days, and trust GOD more; I find joy in simplicity and am not ashamed of being a simple woman when it comes to the material things of this world I live in; I've become in tune enough with myself to know what I want, and what I won't have in my life, and I have sincerely learned to appreciate the love and friendship in my life that is real and true, and not be so concerned about the ones who have proven to be too caught up in themselves to be real friends to anyone else. I have hope that I have taught my children positive things, and that they will take the negative things and use them as learning tools to shape their own lives and behaviors. The bottom line is that I HAVE HOPE each and every day. I never just give up and give in.

Life is a school that teaches us a little bit of everything on any given day; my assignment these days is to master the Art of BEING; just simply Being.


*Authors Note: 11/2012

I wrote this in June of 2011 and it’s funny to me how it echoes familiarity in some ways and makes me smile. Not because I have mastered anything, but because I never stop improving, and as long as I can see it and I know it, I am content because I am on the right track. Imperfectly perfect and divinely flawed; but a fighter nonetheless J




©2012.NOVEMBERGOLD.All Rights Reserved.

Only 50?



Christian Grey had 50 shades according to his adoring lover and friend, Ana; so it left me wondering about my own shades; how many do I have? At first, I imagined a ridiculously dangerous number, but then it dawned on me that no matter how many I have, they are all mine, bought and paid for and I own them all proudly; well okay, mostly proudly.

Have you ever thought about the fact that sometimes you can learn the most about yourself by looking at the people you surround yourself with?  I am not saying that our friends and associates define who we are, but I am saying that the company we keep can be telling of how we see ourselves without even realizing it. I know that as I look around the different aspects of my life and my friends, that I keep the company of people who keep me humble, people who remind me of my strength, my compassion, my mind or my insecurities, and ultimately each of them plays a vital part because those people that I truly call a “friend” are real ass people, both men and women in my life.

I am and have been loved, adored even, by some of the greatest men I could have the pleasure of knowing, but yet I still find myself alone in the respect of a real substantial relationship and far too many times I have cried myself to sleep as I wallow in my own self pity because of it; but when the fog is wiped clean and the truth is set free, I have finally figured out why…

I am a woman of many shades, a creature full of emotion and intensity and I ride the roller coaster of them all on a day to day basis; I am admittedly moody and crass at times, or “stinging” if you will, but I don’t make a person wonder where I, or they, stand. I am strong willed and stubborn, and very much with a mind of my own. It takes a special kind of man to be in my world that way; hell, it takes a special kind of PERSON to be in my world that way! Sometimes I think knowing all of my colors and aspects is almost too much for most people, I just frustrate most people because they don’t want to have to work at anything, they want it easily and I play hard to get for awhile. Like a child, I test the waters to see how hard they will work, how consistent can they be in my life. It takes a special breed to love me and I cherish those people when I find them; but one thing that remains a constant always is that under all of the fluctuating aspects of my personality, I genuinely care about people and how I affect them, whether it be a fleeting passerby or someone who creates a niche’ in my world more deeply and permanently, because at the end of each day I am the one who will answer for what I gift to the universe that day, be it positive or negative, so I try to remain mindful of the choices I make and the wake I leave on the water of life.

©2012.NOVEMBERGOLD.All Rights Reserved.


Thursday, November 22, 2012


black heart red heart depression

Stop your air, I’d like to

Strip away your sight, I’d try to

Rob you of touch, I would gladly


Just to make you feel my pain


Leave you alone, broken and bleeding

Left on your own, desperate and pleading

A million questions and not one answer

I’d turn you into my tiny little dancer

Nothing more than a shell empty and weak

I would hold the key to all that you seek

A puppeteer, with strings, you’re just a toy

Claiming that you’re a man, when you’re really a boy

I’d Remove your heart and hold it in my hand

Turning, twisting, laughing as you make your demand

Give it back” you say with tears falling

But my ears to you are deaf, they don’t hear you calling

Or maybe I do hear you and I just don’t care

Because I can turn around and just pretend you’re not there


Just to make you feel my pain


Do you feel the way your heart aches in your chest?

No one does it like me baby, I break it the best

Let me wrap you up and keep you warm

Right before I close in like bees that swarm

Stinging and burning your flesh feels like fire

I’m not done yet, let’s go a little higher


Just to make you feel my pain


Let me tell you lies and distort your once clear vision

It’s easy to do, just one quick decision

 With the touch of my hand and the kiss of my lips

I’ll lead you astray and join us at the hip

Each day I will pull you deeper in to the lair

Until you feel you can’t breathe unless I am right there

I’ll whisper sticky words of love so sweet

Seduce and entice you to the middle of the street

Vulnerable and trusting you follow so blindly

You trust me do you? Well thank you fuckin’ kindly

You begin to wonder and question my intent

But like a snake I will slither in til’ your thoughts are all spent

Just to make you feel my pain


I’ll wait until I have u, hook line and sinker

Then Out comes the rug, Oops, I’m such a little stinker

It’s sweet the way you believed in me, so innocent and true

Silly boy I can’t love you, don’t you know who you’re talking to?

Battered and bruised alone there you lay

Silent and cold right there you’ll stay

I don’t care that I’ve hurt you and robbed you of trust

You’re something to get rid of, like a car full of rust

I’ve done all I wanted, you danced and you spun

I’ve taken all you have inside and now you’re no fun

Oh, here is your heart, beatless and black

Just dead lifeless rot, you can have it all back

As I turn and walk away now, your tears falling like rain

I won’t even look back at you…


Just to make you feel my pain

©2012.NOVEMBERGOLD.All Rights Reserved.



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Zodiac Signs- Libra

[caption id="attachment_2138" align="alignleft" width="150"] Libra Constellation of stars[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2143" align="alignleft" width="150"]Libra balance sign Balance sign[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2128" align="alignleft" width="100"]Planet venus Planet Venus[/caption]






The libra in the bed room... To start libra men are creative and a charmer. Which makes for a spectacular lover in bed. Although a libra is a heartbreaker he can most definitely be a heart throb for the women. Libra men are not meant to be unmarried, but when in a committed union can not be bound. His other half may  be jealous in turn causing plenty of disagreements. Libra males are always seeking the companionship of others outside of the relationship which may cause stress with his significant other. Beware of his conniving ways

Libra women are very caring, generous, and cheerful. Very unselfish in the bedroom tending to aim at pleasing the man instead of focusing on their own needs. These women try to stay away from controversy and are more reserved lovers. Expect centered pleasure from the libra women.

With Libra's birthdays being between Sept.24- Oct.4 the lucky stones are sapphire and turquoise. Libra sign stands for balance and equilibrium so each libra should strive for balance in all areas of life.  Venus is the planet in which the  libra constellation is set in the universe.  With venus being referred to as more of a feminine planetary force lots of communication, intellectual conversation, and interaction  in a relatinderstanonship with a libra male or female is helpful for a more harmonious union. A people pleaser who is sensitive to the needs of everyone around you.  So much so that you see the other persons point of view and lose your own opinion. Try not to lose your power in understanding others and not keeping your  dignity in your caring for their feelings.  You always strive for peace in everyday endeavors. Although you have a tendacy to ruffle a  few feathers in the  process of achieving that goal.

Men Only- Most Sexy Women of 2012

[caption id="attachment_2472" align="alignleft" width="150"]kiesha Kiesha Cole[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_2476" align="alignleft" width="150"]Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2475" align="alignleft" width="150"] Halle Berry[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2468" align="alignleft" width="150"]beyonce Beyonce Knowles[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2473" align="alignleft" width="150"]Megan Megan Good[/caption]

Fashion Forward- Natural Hair Styles the New Trend

[caption id="attachment_2447" align="alignleft" width="150"] Chris Brown dedicated haircut to Barack Obama after 2nd term.[/caption]

Natural Hair

[caption id="attachment_2453" align="alignleft" width="150"]Natural Hair Oprah with the natural curly hair flowing[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_2454" align="alignleft" width="150"] Chilli from group TLC always wears her natural hair.[/caption]

My very first time seeing Michelle Obamas natural do and how gorgeous she is with the Natural hair style. The new trends of celebrities, everyone should follow this tremendous look. BEAUTIFUL!!

[caption id="attachment_2457" align="alignleft" width="150"] Ravon Sommone sporting the natural hair![/caption]

Millionaire Section- watches and cell phones

[caption id="attachment_2419" align="alignleft" width="150"]watches Diamond watch worth over $345,500. Jennifer Lopes owns one out of 5 made in Paris, France.[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_2424" align="alignleft" width="150"]watch Dolce Gabbana psychodelic watch priced at over $3,000 dollars.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2420" align="alignleft" width="150"]Gold Diamond encrusted cell Dolce Gabbana 140 grams of solid gold. Diamond encrusted RAZR V3i worth more than $1,000,000 miliion Dollars. Ben Affleck owns one of these untouchable phones.[/caption]