Friday, November 9, 2012

FutureTechnology-The Internet

The internetThe future of Technology is Now! The internet and how it effects everyone and every facet.

I have a lot of thoughts on the internet and how it effects people. 40 years ago we  had a big bulky television with only 5 channels that were in black and white. A huge cell phone that was bigger than my whole hand and large companies are the only ones who could afford the now out dated large monitor computer. Do you remember what a type writer looks like? If I show my kids one of those things they would ask what it is and wouldn't believe it once I told them.

Now nearly every home in the world owns at least one laptop or pc. Without this worldwide technology communication with people across the globe would not have ever been imaginable. Now we can view photos, meet or speak to complete strangers, families over seas, or business partners who we otherwise can not.

It's crazy how people get online and have names like King tut, Boss, or Rick Ross. I guess they think that people will believe that.Pretending to live out there dreams and truly believe they are a rap stars,or Hot new Mogul with visions of grandeur. Then they get a little money and take pictures to post online OMG. Just to give the illusion they're a star and frontin like they paid lmbo.Laugh my butt off.

How online social networks cause people who are shy or introverted or otherwise woulnt have friend cause them to have higher self esteem and confidence because of the chance to have 100 or thousands of friends. New advances in technology and how the better the technology gets the more agcustomed to tech we are nub to it and ready for the next best thing and ready for more. looking forward to the future and how far it will

go. With the new innovations and technology  anything we ever thought was impossible is now possible.Internet technology



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