Friday, November 9, 2012

Generation Next-Our Children

Our future keep children safe

We should be very careful what we do around our children.  It will affect there progress in school, their behavior, choices, and personality. Anything that a child learns in their house hold, around family or even strangers will affect their adulthood. We want our children to be healthy happy and to feel safe. Young minds will learn all of the information to become intelligent adults. They just need to be nurtured by both parents staying involved.  Our babies need positive guidance in the right direction.  I don't want to include any of the negative things that people may do because I care every child with all my heart. All children mean very much to me and all of us should make a joint effort to care for all kids. Just want to reiterate how important it is to watch over our children and protect them as they grow and become young adult. If we don't care who will?

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    [...]Generation Next-Our Children | Relationships, Poems, Womans Point Of View, 21st century[...]...


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