Saturday, November 17, 2012

Zodiac Sign-Pisces

[caption id="attachment_2200" align="alignleft" width="150"] Pisces Constellation of stars[/caption]

Planet Neptune


Swimming with the currents, most Piscean women are relaxed and laidback, which  leads to an easygoing, relaxed relationship. A Piscean woman is pacifist by  nature and would rather not rock the boat if there is not much to gain from it.  Her relationships are imaginative and sensitive and very emotional, and she will  need a lover who can safeguard her and provide a sense of security. She is  generous in her relationships, evoking the bounty of the oceans, and can run the  risk of giving too much. Her best partner is one who can inspire her, protect  her and, when required, ground her fantasies.

Like all other aspects of her life, sex is an emotional matter for a Piscean  woman. She is sensual and playful, prone to creating fanciful settings in the  bedroom - enchanted forests, circles of candlelight, the scent of the sea - all  these heighten her imagination. She loves sex, and likes to have everything  fluid and a little erratic. The more surprises the better. The Piscean woman  does not separate sex and love as these two factors indissolubly bound together  for her.Love in all its rose-tinted,  glorious fantasy, is a Piscean's playground. Romance and dreams take flight in  her vivid imagination, swirling with colors and scintillating like light off the  waves of the ocean. However, most fish find they have no land legs, so when the  honeymoon period ends, this shy sign will engage in love slowly, and carefully.  A Pisces woman in love expects magic and mystery, like the watery, wonderful  world of the deep blue. She loves being in love - to her it is a wistful  daydream, a flight of fancy. It is a seduction of her senses, and there is  nowhere else she would rather be.

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